VTZ airport traffic analysis
- I had a simple question that made me do this: how long can new Alluri Sitaramaraju International Airport handle VTZ air traffic after phase-1 opens under observed growth rates?
Well, my guess after dabbling with data is we will hit 5 lakh monthly passenger mark of combined domestic and international pax on “Jan 2036”, reaching the proposed phase-1 annual pax capabilites. Although the airport will supposedly start operating on 44 lakh pax per annum.

- Getting the annexure-3 data of public air traffic from aai. automate.
- Automate building csv of visakhapatnam data from pdfs. Recent IBM’s docling seemed overkill, pymupdf worked fine
- Verify the data discrepancies
- Plot a streamgraph with matplotlib
- try to find the reasoning on previous dips and growths
- fit a curve onto data, linear regression as safe answer. Although, exponential has least MSE, a glance will show how such growth is completely limited just as a growth of bacteria is limited.
We could also be ending up on some logistic regression but the optimistic view of upcoming employability, shopping malls and tourism focus could stimulate atleast a linear traffic growth.
- Anyway, let’s wait and see in five years.

- build a possible network of airport pairs for VTZ besties identification. find a historical search api. [update: data collected]
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